Friday, June 7, 2013

The Childless Shoemaker

It would make all of you happy
To know of my interest and fascination
With this German shoemaker,
Great Uncle Henry of Rising Sun, Indiana. 

Me, being the childless descendent
younger brother Daniel
and wife Viola. 

Great Grandfather Daniel valued movement over comfort
Leaving his nest in 1878 with yearning.
Go west young man with a woman who will follow. 

Uncle Henry and Aunt Meg
They stay square with an iron fence.
House full of Victorian fancies,
books, music, lace and roses.

A flat photo traps them in time,
Flowered living room and a gramophone.
Meg in a silk skirt balances a book
While Henry looks on.

The distance widens and separates. 
Daniel and Viola, now live in a fenceless world.
Dust, snakes, and wide open spaces.
Signed with signatures of wagon wheels.

The dapper shoemaker and the farmer with muddy boots
never see each other again.

Daniel and Viola build their Kansas farmhouse
With sunrises at the peak,
painted in pinks, blues, and yellows.

Glory to God they said. Rising Sun.

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