Sunday, August 2, 2015

The little cocktail

August says here is the way,
take small portions of sweetness
like the little bees on the Black Eyed Susan.

A hummingbird moth hung in midair 
flicks at high speed to the next
tiny dip of summer nectar.

Wands of wavy Buddleia blossom
are suckled by the upside down
butterfly with the blue eyes. 

Ripe color is greedy.
A yellow ribbon snake wraps
the black iron of the garden gate. 

Dear one, you thought you were missing it, the fleeting
moments of brightness, each moment 
tallied together as a summer. 

August says, here is the way,
take small portions of sweetness,

sip the little cocktail while you can. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The 4th of July

Poetry takes space and well I
have so little of that.

It’s the 4th of July and I’m
considering freedom.

And the box I live in and 
the box I will leave in.

God’s eye above must
see me swaddled in

Striped sheets, soft
fur and purr sunrise.

Wonder what

I will do with my free will today. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Two Landscapes


On evening’s walk, the path is thick with dripping honeysuckle. It has just rained and my lungs are bellows for damp fragrance, in and out, in and out.  Leaves brush close, layers of light and dark shadow green rise up from foot level to treetops. What was flat landscape in winter is now dimensional…moving shaded shapes where small insects hide. Hard berries will be soft and warm soon, ripening on thorny branches.


It is an experience of sweet longing and vast space. Wild iris bloom in clumps near a rushing stream. The  horse steps into the water and goes knee deep into the wild current. There is a mucking mud sound as a hoof pulls up onto solid ground. What cannot be contained is green grass pasture stretching low and wide to the mountains. Here, there are few boundaries, few fences, and prairie range is filled with soft air. 

Always present is the keeping blue sky.